Nov 19, 2009

We own the world, you and I

I think serious shit whilst showering... and lathering. When I came out of the shower, so happened that I noticed a Facebook status update by my good friend, Nick “if the whole network grid fails, I might just go offline for once!” Foo. He asked: How would you measure your wealth? In other words, the condition (th) of your well-being (weal)?

I am always thinking about that in the shower. I answered the best I could from reading limited Nietzsche: By how much I can overcome the material and the spiritual world, and the acceptance of the joy of Eternal Recurrence. Or, simply, how well I can dance.

In the olden days of the hunt, tribes people intoxicated themselves after a hunt. They danced around bonfires. They sang songs of the wild. They worshiped the likeness of their hunt. I guess it was fair. Life was hard then. So much depended on Mother Nature. So much depended on the weather. No one’s life was guaranteed during the hunt. It was hard and unpredictable. And the harder their lives were the harder they dance.

But of course, things evolved. Situation improved. Lives got better. Farming began, yada yada yada, enter intro from Big Bang Theory.

How much better and different though. Let’s examine. People dance harder than ever but for recreation now. Bonfire is replaced by disco lights. People fill their waterhole with Bourbon and Vodka until they barf. People fill the karaoke lounges to sing their lungs out. Now, most people anyway, do not pray to those filthy animals anymore. We devote our lives in blood to the likeness of ourselves. We depend on the policies of people who we gave power to and depend on the economic climate. Oh boy, so much better.

I do not intoxicate myself. I do not sing. I do not pray to my likeness (more like praying to me though). And, I, definitely, do not dance. What I meant by how well I can dance, is, of course, metaphorical. You see, I am a keen reader of Nietzsche. Then, the real questions are: Is my life better? Am I better?

Realistically, everything is arguable. That kind of question is academic. Humanity is layers of layers of historical changes. What could be thought was wrong is now right and vice versa. Everyone is searching for happiness and well-being. It would be extremely hypocritical of me to even start to argue that my life is better. For I do not know if I am happy. I just know I want to be aware of/conscious every second of my life because I feel that it is just so amazing, and it just is what it is without having to give any narrative to it. And, my request is for everyone to just think the opposite of what you believe is moral, what is right and what is happiness, and ask yourself: Is it wrong? Remember, we own the world, you and I.


  1. A lot of us don't realise that happiness, is a process, and not a goal that we would ever eventually achieve.

  2. Worse... some think happiness can be bought!
