I have just gotten a free domain while helping my client,
Accsense Consulting Pte Ltd, get her's. Therefore, I will be moving my portfolio to that new domain. However, I still cannot decide what to christen my domain since www.not.com was already taken. Right now, I have these options: www.notaboutnot.com, www.wearenot.com, www.notnotnot.com, www.nothere.com, www.notandyou.com, www.notaboutwill.com (again), www.notgoodbyeishello.com, www.notadesignstudio.com, www.notstrate-magic.com, www.nottogether.com, www.notapart.com and www.notforever.com. Whatever it is, the most important thing is to use the word "not" to good effect.
Before all that happen, I will be blogging stuff I think is not not cool back over at
tumblr. Please enjoy following me there. I will be very polite there. Meanwhile, this blog will only be updated if I have commercial projects or personal work to share. It will cease once I gotten myself straight.